If the list of recipients is small enough, I'd mail a letter like this, rather than e-mailing it. Hard copy has a presence that electrons just don't. When in doubt, do both—mail and e-mail. You'll accelerate your referrals by telling your contacts exactly the kind of client you want.
This is a soft close: "Will you call me?" I could have used a stronger close: "I'll call you in the next 10 days," but kept it low-key. Besides, I follow this kind of letter with a call anyway.
June 21, 20—
Ms. Jaime C. Clark, Partner
Gaede, Harmon & Moscowicz
29 Broadway
Denver, CO 80202
Dear Jaime,
As I hope you know, you are one of my favorite clients, and even though our paths don't cross often, I consider you a friend. You have meant a lot to me.
I'd like your help recruiting new clients who are
- Bright
- Creative
- Energetic, and
- highly successful, like you.

Right now, business is good. In fact, since last November I've had an avalanche of work. My CPA tells me revenue is up 300% over last year, and last year was good.
But I'd like to see more senior executives and professionals.
My ideal client is (1) already successful, (2) highly paid (around $100K+), (3) over 40, (9) male or female, (5) with a temporary major career problem (for example, burnout, loss of job, or problems with boss).
Jaime, I value you and your ideas and opinions, and you know me. My methods. My working style. My results.
I'd like you to think about this . . . and I'd appreciate your ideas and suggestions as to how to tap the senior level market I'm targeting.
Will you please call me with your ideas?

William S. Frank