When key consultants leave your organization, it's seldom pretty. Usually, they're heavily involved inside client companies, and they hold key relationships.
In this case, there was so much business we opened a satellite office in Houston, and hired a former executive in the client company to work as a consultant for usconsulting back to her former employer. Everyone inside the client company loved Connie, so when she left in a huff, we had a lot of explaining to do. This letter led to personal meetings that defused the situation.
April 29, 20—
Jared Grantham
Human Resources Manager
Oil Production Holdings Corporation
300 Financial Drive
Houston, TX 77026
Dear Jerry,
As you know, Constance Eck has left CareerLab to take a job elsewhere. That is disappointing for all of us.
We opened our Houston office to serve OPH's outplacement needs, and as you know-fortunately for you—outplacement has diminished to a trickle. Now you're in an up-cycle, and many OPH personnel managers have the opposite problem: you can't hire enough good people fast enough.
Therefore, in the last six months we at CareerLab have gone through precisely what you went through in the mid-80s: the loss of our market and a downturn in business. The decline in business is what set the stage for Connie's departure. We attempted to broaden our services and sell more to companies outside the OPH umbrella, but we couldn't accomplish it fast enough.
Connie is unhappy about her departure and said she encouraged you not to do any further business with us.
I hope that will not be the case. We have a long history of working side-by-side in the most difficult, critical, and uncomfortable of circumstances. I began work for OPH in 1982, and since then we have helped several hundred former employees get re-employed. Many of them are still our friends.
Jerry, I believe you have been in human resources long enough to know there are two sides to every story, not matter how convincing one person might be. Connie says she has explained her side to you. However, we in CareerLab view some of the issues differently.
April 29, 20—
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I don't feel a need to rehash the past, but as Connie's friend, I'm sure you have many unanswered questions. If you do, I'd like to address them fully and completely.
I plan to call you in the next 10 days to be sure you received this letter and to see if we can arrange a time to meet face-to-face. In the meantime, if you want to talk, please give me a call at 1/800/555-0007.
With best wishes,

William S. Frank