Gloria Valdez has been the Vice President of Human Resources for several large companies. Although she’s never hired us, I like to stay in close touch. These kinds of relationships can explode into an avalanche of work.
I met Gloria in Denver, and kept in touch with her when she relocated to Michigan, and later Ft. Worth. I had sent her an earlier letter, and this is her reply. Below it is my second letter to Gloria. As in a tennis game, I’m hitting the ball back into her court.
Gloria Valdez
Vice President, Human Resources
North American Appliance Group, Kendig Appliance Corporation
Waukesha, Wisconsin 50223
November 19, 20—
Mr. Bill Frank
10475 Park Meadows Drive, STE 600
Lone Tree, CO 80124
Dear Bill:
It was great to hear from you. Congratulations on the impressive growth of your business. Your brochure is very striking. I hope sales of your book are going well.
In April, I was promoted to Vice President, Human Resources for North American based operations. It has been exciting and challenging to reorganize the HR department and to step into a more significant role.
Into what geographic area does your business extend? I would be happy to send business your way should the need arise.
Say hello to Kathryn. Hope all is well with you and your family.
P.S.—Thank you for the spiffy letter opener and logo pencils.
December 3, 20—
Gloria Valdez
Vice President, Human Resources
Kendig Appliance Corporation
5300 Highway 502
Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 2692
Dear Gloria:
Thanks for your nice note. I know time is at a premium these days, so anything personal is extremely rare.
I'm so proud of you. Am really glad to see you moving up in the company and making a big contribution. I'll bet it's exciting and gives you a great feeling of success.
In answer to your question about our territory, we work nationally, with corporate clients all over the country. There's really no geographic restriction on what we do, so much of it is done by phone, voicemail, the Internet, and FedEx.
When we work out of state, we travel to meet clients face to face, or we invite them to Denver to meet us. It works out really well.
Thanks again for taking time to write.
We miss you here in Denver,

William S. Frank