Jennifer and I did a joint presentation to a medical device manufacturing company on employment law issues. After our presentation, I wrote my monthly column for a professional journal, and included some of Jennifer's material. Since Jennifer was not in town, I asked her law partner for permission to use her ideas. I wrote this letter to explain the circumstances to Jennifer, and she was quite pleased to be mentioned.
January 27, 20—
Jennifer Gelfan, Esq.
Gelfan & Guild, P.C.
1022 17th Street
Denver, Colorado 80202
Three (3) pages via facsimile. Originals to follow by mail.
Dear Jennifer,
I called your office around December 31st to interview you for an upcoming article for the Colorado Human Resources Association (CHRA) newsletter.
You were out of town, so I spoke to your partner. I explained what I was up to, told him the story idea, and discussed it with him. He gave me the go-ahead, and this was published today. It goes to 1000 human resources managers in Colorado—very good visibility for you, and hopefully it will produce some phone calls and new clients.
The article is based on our presentation to Medical Device Company—although MDC is never mentioned—and includes my comments, and comments from another attorney.
CHRA insists that I use three (3) sources for any story, so it doesn't appear too promotional or one-sided. I used one other source, Kenneth Esmund from Esmund & Esmund. I hope you and Kenneth aren't major competitors.
Please take a look at the article and let me know what you think.
With best wishes,

William S. Frank