After I sold my first book, "200 Letters for Job Hunters," to 10 Speed Press, Craig Lincoln (my graphic designer) and I came up with a second book idea, "The Job Search Time Manager." Coming before PDAs, it was a calendar book complete with cartoons, career transition articles, and inspirational quotes.
Craig and I traveled to California to meet with the publisher. We presented him with a mock-up of the book, so realistic he bought the concept on the spot, something unheard of in the publishing world. As a gesture of friendship, the publisher gave me several cookbooks for my wife. This letter followed that meeting. Hal was the publisher's designer.
February 10, 20—
George Kanode,
Vice President
Ten Speed Press
900 Modoc Street
Berkeley, CA 94707
Dear George,
Meeting you on Thursday was a high point of the year: It was both fun and productive. Craig and I left charged up and excitedI hope you felt the same way.
It was nice to learn there really is a Modoc Street, even if it's very short. It was especially nice seeing Hal and getting his reactions to our material. He has terrific ideas, and Craig and I are looking forward to working with him again.
I've got lots of good marketing ideas for you and will send them along soonor we can discuss them by phone.
Have a good week, George,

William S. Frank
P.S. The cookbooks are terrific. Beverly enjoys them.