Often the route to independent consulting begins with a gig at a well-established firm. In this case, I left Drake Beam Morin, the world's largest career development company at the time. People questioned why I would want to leave the biggest and best to go out on my own.
I said I wanted to do a better job with fewer clients, and positioned CareerLab® as "Small and Personal versus Big and Impersonal," a position it still holds today. Notice that the letter does not simply describe our proposed services—it asks for advice and ideas, and appeals to friendship.
The ending, "Please let me hear from you" is weak. I wouldn't use it again. I'd choose something much more urgent and powerful. However, the letter delivered excitement, enthusiasm, and new clients.
Back in the day, it was sent by U.S. Mail. Today, I'd send it by email, and also by U.S. Mail or even FedEx to very important contacts. In addition, it would make a terrific posting on LinkedIn.
The letter began a successful run. After the announcement, we continued the momentum, and have worked for more than 350 brand-name corporations, and thousands of individual clients.
October 18, 20-
Mr. Boydston Aberdeen
Attorney at Law
1655 Gaylord
Denver, CO 80206
Dear Boyd,
For the last year and a half I have worked at Drake Beam Morin as a consultant to the senior executives of such companies as AMAX, EXXON, Tenneco, Kelloggs, Wells Fargo, and Johnson & Johnson.
Now I have left DBM to build CareerLab®, a state of the art innovation center for succeeding in business.
Places like the Mayo Clinic, Pritikin's Longevity Center and The Center for Creative Leadership attract clients from all over the world because of their one-of-a-kind nature and their pursuit of excellence. I hope CareerLab will be such a place.
Inside CareerLab you will find:
- A structured, yet innovative career development program
- Up to date word processing, printing, mailing capabilities
- The latest business books, periodicals and references
- Video facilities for interview training
- An extensive network of business contacts
- A supportive, high energy culture.
CareerLab serves both individuals and organizations. To individuals we offer counseling to achieve income levels of $200,000-500,000. To organizations we offer human resources consulting and outplacement counseling for key executive officers.
I have affiliated informally with Gary Hollowell, Certified Financial Planner, and Dawson Platte, nationally known consultant, publisher of the HR Professional's Newsletter, and Chairman of the Professional Development Committee of the Human Resources Planning Society.
Your thoughts, feelings, ideas and suggestions have always been valuable to me. And most of all, your friendship.
Please let me hear from you.

William S. Frank