I read an article in "Fast Company" magazine that featured the medical director of Canyon Ranch. I was convinced that he and I could provide referrals to one another.
There are three letters in this series, grouped under “Canyon Ranch.” This is the third of three. I sent background material, and we had further phone calls. Then he referred me to the general counsel [lead attorney] of a major Hollywood studio, and I became her career strategy advisor.
July 20, 20—
Dr. Dan Hoffman
Canyon Ranch
8600 East Rockcliff Road
Tucson, Arizona 85750
Dear Dan,
It was great meeting you in person yesterday! You've done a fine job of creating an organization that's filling an important need and growing by leaps and bounds.
Several of the audiences you mentioned—for example, CEOs who've recently sold their businesses—are groups I already serve. I would love to spearhead the career development segment of your programs, and I'd be interested in developing national, even international, resources for you.
Let's talk further,

William S. Frank