Sometimes we lose touch with clients. We're busy, they're busy. Their need for us disappears, then re-emerges. Other times our internal contact leaves the organization and we have to re-introduce ourselves. That was the case here, where our contact left the firm, and we were beginning again.
February 1, 20—
Mr. Trent Hogarth
Chief Executive Officer
Wealth Management Funds, Ltd.
3006 East 3rd Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80206
Dear Mr. Hogarth,
I've provided senior executive outplacement for Wealth Management Funds, Ltd., in the past, and I want to introduce myself to you in the event you make changes at the top of your organization.
We're well-experienced and can be of great assistance. I've been a career consultant to top executives for more than 20 years, and our company has provided outplacement to more than 200 U.S. corporations.
Please put my card into your file, and contact me if you ever need executive outplacement assistance.
With best wishes,

William S. Frank