I discovered a niche as an expert witness in employment law cases. Specifically, I helped companies defend themeselves against wrongful termination lawsuits. That's a case where the plaintiff alleges they were released unfairly. I enjoyed those cases at first, because they were high-paying. The attorney sent me a file box of records, depositions, and I was paid an hourly rate to read them to understand the case. Then I prepared reports on the employability of the plaintiff. I enjoyed that part, too.
What I didn't enjoy was appearing in court to testify against someone who'd been fired. Many times, the company had handled things badly, even horribly.
I was disillusioned in court when an ex-employee who was hired at age 55, sued for age discrimination when he was terminated (his company closed their local office and had offered him a job elsewhere) and won a $1.6 million settlement.
Another consultant in my firm regretted not having been a lawyer. He loved these cases, left CareerLab, and created a full-time consulting practice working for attorneys. I returned to doing what I love: career strategy consulting.
Letters like these produced lots of assignments.
December 19, 20—
Ms. Karen Caggiano
Attorney at Law
Writer & Leadingham
370 18th Street, Suite 2750
Denver, Colorado 80202-5644
Dear Karen,
Wendell Hartt told me you need an expert witness to testify in an upcoming case. I tried to reach you by phone to get further details, but missed you.
I'm sending two resumes: mine and Wendell Hartt's. Either of us could serve as your expert. In the past few years, we have worked on approximately six employment law cases as expert witnesses. I've prepared several written reports and testified in Houston once. Wendell was deposed in New Jersey, and that case is still pending. I'm presently working on a big case pending in Kansas City. I don't have a list of past cases, but I can prepare one in the next few days.
Our fee is $175 per hour, and we generally ask for a $2500 retainer. If those terms don't work for you, please let me know.
I'm leaving the office in the next few minutes for a consulting assignment offsite. I'll call you in the morning to be sure you received this fax, and to ask how you would like to proceed.
Very truly yours,

William S. Frank
P.S.—If this is an emergency, please call my cell phone at 303-555-1212 until 4:00.