Sometimes we get lucky and find ourselves selling to a friend. Seth was a consulting friend before he took became the Vice President of Human Resources for Battelle Labs, a national research organization. Even though he wanted to hire me as a consultant, he needed to introduce me to others in his company. This is the letter I sent along with marketing materials—and it produced a two-year series of consulting engagements.
June 16, 20—
Mr. Seth Smetana
VP Human Resources
505 King Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Dear Seth:
Here are the materials you asked for. There are several items you haven't seen before:
- An article I wrote for The National Business Employment Weekly (inside pocket).
- Letters of Reference from Noranda Exploration and Colorado Human Resources Association (Section 3).
- Cost savings to clients: $7,950.00 to West Mortgage and $47,237 to Chevron.
My rates haven't changed since we worked together. $1,000.00 per day or $125.00 per hour. I bill in quarter-hours.
I'll call you so we can discuss specifics.
Best regards,
William S. Frank