This $30,000 proposal clearly demonstrates “short is better.” The phrase “AT&T will pay for the facilities, show decorators, A/V, and our travel” protected us after the project ended. A new executive, who didn’t understand the project and earlier agreements, invoiced us $16,000 for facilities and travel expenses. Faxing this agreement to her cleared up the misunderstanding, and AT&T absorbed the expenses, per the contract.
February 21, 20—
Martha Copperfield
Director of Employee Relations
AT&T Communications, Inc.
3500 Greenbelt Plaza, Suite 2500
Houston, Texas 77046
Dear Martha,
This will confirm our arrangements for two (2) one-day Career Fairs for departing AT&T employees in San Francisco, CA on Thursday, March 30th and in Chicago, IL on March 31, 20—.
Approximately 135 employees will be affected in San Francisco, and 200 will be affected in Chicago. The workforce is 80% non-exempt customer service reps, 15% managers and supervisors, and 5% training, secretarial support, and IT.
You will notify the employees of your decision on March 16th. We will conduct two (2) one-day resume writing workshops in San Francisco (March 23rd) and Chicago (March 24th). We will provide writing and editing instruction, and AT&T will provide secretarial support to word process and print the resumes.
In addition to the one-day resume workshops, we will provide site selection and contracting, show management, selection and recruiting of hiring companies, event co-ordination and logistics. We will guarantee a minimum of 20 companies for 200 attendees and 13 companies for 135 employees.
Our fee, which includes two people on-site for the show, is $15,000 per city, or $30,000 total. This equates to $150 per person with 100 attendees, and $75 per person with 200. In addition, AT&T will pay for the facilities, show decorators, A/V, and our travel. We will invoice you for 50% of the fee in advance to cover startup costs for the project. Thanks for this opportunity, Martha. We're looking forward to making AT&T's Job Fairs a big success.
With best regards,

William S. Frank