International Search Group
2121 Park Avenue, STE 2500 | New York, NY 10012
H: 212-859-1574 | C: 212-821-3551 | mhubbs@gmail.com
September 27, 20––
Dear Mr. Rodriguez:
I am interested in teaming-up with your recruiting firm in accomplishing an effective search for a middle to upper-level Marketing Management position. I have recently concluded a ten-year career as a Marketing Manager for the Ampex Corporation, where I enjoyed continuous upward mobility in my career.
By way of introduction, let me outline some of my background:
— Developed and implemented comprehensive marketing and public relations plans covering national and local consumer markets.
— Directed over 90 sales promotion events budgeted at $10MM.
— Managed a Marketing Department with a staff of eight and an annual operating budget of $5MM.
— Consistently achieved marketing objectives within budget as measured by sales, publicity and spin-off opportunities.
If I were to characterize myself, I would say that I have strong communication skills with emphasis on creative writing, sensitivity to the corporate environment and an ability to respond to its demands; good organization and budget management skills; and the capacity to motivate professionals to goal achievement.
A minimum compensation package of $50K plus benefits and a relocation allowance is my goal.
An expression of your interest in my background in view of your client requirements would be appreciated. I certainly would be pleased to meet with your representative to conduct an appraisal interview. As you can see, I am not adverse to travel or relocation.
A resume is enclosed for your additional information. Thank you for your assistance.
Maureen Hubbs
E-mail your resume and letter to hundreds of executive recruiters.