10475 Park Meadows Dr., Ste. 600 | Lone Tree, CO 80124-5437
O: 303-790-0505 | F: 303-790-0606 |
May 27, 20—
Mr. Norman E. Weatherman
Sherman & Howard
2900 First Interstate Tower North
633 Seventeenth Street
Denver, Colorado 80202
Dear Norm,
Thank you for your referral to High Technology, Inc. I met with them today and we are mapping out a strategy for helping the eighteen supervisors who will be leaving the company.
I am recommending two days of workshops--a couple half days now, and one full day nearer the date of the plant closing. (By the time you get this letter, everything might have changed.)
I would also work individually by the hour with supervisors obviously needing extra help after the workshops are completed.
Thank you for this referral. It was kind of you to think of me. I will keep you posted on all new developments, and I will certainly return the favor to you at the earliest opportunity.
As I told you on the telephone, Tim Silva did a superb job in his presentation to my personnel friends. They were more than impressed, and knowing them, I'm certain you will be seeing some new work coming out of our joint marketing effort.
Call if you need me.
Sincerely yours,
William S. Frank