Consulting Inc. | Management & Systems Consulting
900 Von Kamran Avenue | Greenwood Village, CO 80111
H: (303)-555-1212 | C: (720)-759-8156 | tcline@msn.com
January 31, 20—
Mr. Roger W. Ewald
Executive Director/CEO
Medical Group Management Association
104 Inverness Terrace East
Englewood, CO 80112
Mr. Ewald:
Your recent advertisement for a CIO caught my attention. However, I'm not looking for a job as a CIO. Two weeks ago I left the top level position at Atlanta Medical Center responsible for the Information Systems and Telecommunications departments. Today I write this letter as an experienced health care systems consultant who has lived with his strategic systems planning decisions for over twenty years at five different hospitals.
I've enclosed a list of my services for you to consider. Perhaps my strategic systems experience can help you address the planning effort allowing you to obtain a more "hands on" person with specific technical expertise to manage the implementation. By now you may be wondering what is wrong with this guy, this is not a hospital!
The scope of the three year systems plan at Atlanta Medical Center now in its third year, "under budget," not only connected several hundred internal PC's but implemented a network that connected physicians with significant clinical information. I also implemented a computer system for physician billing which supported nine remote clinics and has expanded to support other physician offices' billing and scheduling functions.
Maybe we don't have a "perfect fit" but I'm willing to spend a little of my time to discuss the possibility. Another option for you to consider might be that I could help you screen your candidates and reduce the risk of a misfit. If you would like a copy of my resume please call me at (303)470-7521 and I'll FAX it to you.
Thank you,
Ted Cline