Thank You For Sending Want Ads

Say thank you for everything

Nothing is too small to warrant a thank you note. Absolutely nothing. One of my favorite tricks is to invite someone to lunch, pay for the meal, then send them a thank you note. That's different!
3182 South Holly Street | Denver, CO 80222
H: 303-756-7434 | W: 303-779-1417 |

October 14, 20––

Ms. Gail Adler
1444 Kingswood Court
Willowbrook, Illinois 60521

Dear Gail:

Thank you for agreeing to help me out in my job search by sending me the classified ads weekly from the Tuesday Wall Street Journal, Southern Edition. I hope it wasn't too much trouble. If for any reason you are unable to continue sending these ads, please feel free to stop.

I will keep you posted as to the progress of my job search and its forthcoming successful conclusion.

Your friend,

Bruce Robertson

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