Two of my accounting clients have landed jobs by contacting members of the Financial Executives Institute.
The first, Len Kenney, lives in Los Angeles. He wrote to 350 members of the FEI, nationwide. One day he received a call from a recruiter in Chicago who was looking for a controller in L.A., right close to home.
Len won the job and went to work for one of INC magazine's top 20 small companies. When he asked the recruiter, "How did you find out about me?" the search consultant said, "I called a candidate in Chicago to see if he was interested. He wasn't. But he said 'I have the resume of a friend right here.'"
Someone who had never met Len considered him a friend. Members of professional organizations tend to feel a sense of kinship with their peers. Paul Gutknecht's letter featured here (page 72) resulted in a job offer. That's a letter worth writing. Think about trying this with your own association.
11374 Quivas Way | Westminster, CO 80234
C: 720-715-9825 | H: 303-465-1236 |
March 18, 20––
Mr. Charles F. McCay
Vice President Finance
Bank of America
123 Post Street
San Francisco, California 94104
Dear Mr. McCay:
I am writing to you as a fellow member of the Financial Executives Institute and seeking your advice in my job search. My 30 years of experience includes 3 years of consulting for the top managements and 20 years in top management of two different companies, plus 8 years as a bank director.
Most of my experience is in the petroleum industry; but management, financial and accounting skills are valuable in any industry. Although we enjoy living in Denver, my wife and I would gladly relocate.
Please take a few minutes and think about possible needs among your associates and friends for a man of my talents. You can either give them the enclosed copy of my resume, or give me their names so that I can follow through.
Any assistance or advice that you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Paul H. Gutknecht