I saw an "Expert Advice" column in the lifestyles section of our daily paper, and decided to pitch myself to the editor. First, I called her and asked for the writer's guidelines. She sent a one-page sheet outlining the column's requirements. I followed our phone call with this letter, and received the go-ahead to write for "Expert Advice."
April 24, 20—
Jackie Gertner
Lifestyles Editor
The Rocky Mountain News
101 W Colfax Avenue
Denver, CO 80204
Dear Jackie,
Great talking with you this week!
I'm excited about the prospect of contributing to your "Expert Advice" column. Here, enclosed, is more about Bill Frank and CareerLab than you ever wanted to know:
- A fact sheet that shows my past writing credits
- A list of our corporate clients
- PR materials about CareerLab, and
- A copy of my recent book, "200 Letters For Job Hunters" published by Ten Speed Press (now in its third printing).
Most important, seven examples of questions I could answer in your column in 350 words. If you don't like the Q&A format, I could do something else.
Give this a review, then give me a call to discuss (303-790-0505). As I told you on the phone, I've been in the carer planning business since 1977, I love writing and collaborating on projects. If I can help you in any way, I'll be glad to.
Good wishes, Always,

William S. Frank