Stopping Workplace Violence
On the human resources side of our business, we're founding members of Safe@Work™, a group of three internationally-known consulting firms who've teamed up to prevent workplace violence—and to provide turnkey solutions to all corporate violence issues, including verbal and physical threats, dangerous employees, and potential assault. Knowing what to do—or what not to do&mdsah;often saves lives. "Turnkey solutions" means we handle the entire project from A to Z.
Who's involved?
Threat Analysis-Psychological Consultants, Ltd.
Protection-Corporate Security Associates
The purpose of our tactical response unit is to make it easy for you to prevent conflict and violence in your company, or to de-escalate violence in a crisis. One call to our central number will get you in touch with the right experts: police psychologists, physical security experts, family counselors, human resources and outplacement consultants—you name it. To preview
Safe@Work, go to w Or telephone 303/555-1212 or 1/888/SAFE-WRK (Toll Free). The E-mail address is SafeWork [at]