Tatum is a national consulting firm that provides interim Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) to companies in transition. We worked for several Tatum Partners and had an informal referral arrangement with them. In this case, a Tatum Partner called us into a turnaround situation where employee morale was terrible. Besides helping the team, we provided executive coaching to the CEO.
February 7, 20—
Austin Villaverde
Chief Financial Officer
Dent Germany
9500 Washington Blvd
Chicago, IL 60607-2224
Project: Finding the Answers to Getting Morale and Productivity Back on Track
Thank you for your information and insight yesterday. Here is the approach we'll take to accomplish your project.
Phase One -
- We'll meet with representatives of your executive team to decide which questions to ask employees. We'll come prepared with survey questions that produced good results in the past. We'll specifically look to pinpoint issues affecting productivity, morale, and the future of Dent Germany.
Phase Two -
- We'll put these questions into an online survey tool that guarantees anonymity and will produce reports that are useful for planning.
- Once the survey is designed we'll meet with your staff to explain the purpose of the survey, the confidentiality, the deadline for response, and the importance of this activity to the organization. We'll also share how to use the survey tool. Our job will be to get them excited about participating. Your team will also get them excited by explaining how you will apply the results.
Phase Three -
- We'll compile the results in a report format for review by the executive team.
Phase Four -
- We'll meet with the executive team to review the results and develop a targeted plan to address the items in priority. This meeting will focus on what affects you the most, and what you can do both quickly and in the long term with this information.
Austin Villaverde
February 7, 20—
Page Two
Phase Five -
- You will be able to re-administer the same survey in four to six months to see if your initiatives are working and what progress you are making.
- Using these follow up reports you can make course corrections and see what roadblocks persist.
Consulting Team
Janell Vant will be the lead consultant on the project, and her bio is attached. I will team with Janell and will be available to you any time.
Professional Fees
Phases One - Four are normally priced at $3,000. As a Tatum Partner, you are eligible for a 15% discount ($450), bringing the price to $2550. Phase Five will be priced later if you decide to do a follow-on survey. The fee is paid 50% ($1275) in advance, the balance on completion.
This will be an exciting project, Austin. Please return a signed copy of this agreement to me by mail or fax (303-790-0606), and let's get started.
With best wishes,

Austin Villaverde, Chief Financial Officer | Date