Hiring a new consultant is a publicity opportunity. You can announce their tenure by sending a news release to the local newspapers, you can send announcement cards to your network, or you can mail a more detailed letter. I prefer the letter method, because it allows you to explain the “who-what-when-where-why and how” of the situation, creating interest in your new consultant.
A simple card announcing that Barney Black, M.B.A., has joined your firm doesn’t gain you much PR leverage, but a powerful, detailed letter does. As a further PR tactic, we ask our new consultants to write to their networks, and that opens more new doors.
June 30, 20—
Ms. Denise Wallingford
President & CEO
Asset Management Corporation
1200 Connecticut Circle
Washington, D.C. 20057
Dear Denise,
We're proud to announce that Dr. Miguel Infante-Lobo has joined our firm as Vice President. I met Miguel in 20— when he was providing executive testing and assessment for a national human resources consulting firm. We're been trusted friends ever since. Without a doubt, I owe a lot of my success at work to his wise and expert coaching.
Miguel's clinical background is executive family counseling. He tackles tough issues like marriage communication, parenting (including "blue-haired kids"), and the stresses between work and family.
In my experience, top managers and executives tend to shy away from Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) staffed by social workers and recently-minted Master's-level psychologists. They find the experience of talking to an EAP embarrassing. They're concerned about confidentiality, and don't like being seen in a "Counseling Center." It doesn't fit their self-image.
That's why many senior managers and executives never get the help they need. Instead, their personal problems spill over into their work; they fail in their jobs and are terminated for poor performance. I know that, because these failing executives end up here as outplacement candidates.
During the years, Miguel has accomplished scores of management turnarounds, keeping executives, families, and companies moving forward. Executive families and senior management teams enjoy him—he isn't a beginner. Like the rest of us at CareerLab, he's a well-seasoned expert.
With our corporate clients, Miguel focuses on:
- Executive Coaching
- Crisis Management
- Conflict Resolution, and
- Executive Testing & Assessment
The next time someone you know or care about is facing a conflict or a crisis-either personal or business, I hope you'll refer them to Dr. Miguel Infante-Lobo. As I can testify from my own experience, you'd be doing them the biggest favor possible.
With best wishes,

William S. Frank