Mitchell is the General Counsel [lead attorney] at a national bank. The bank had been a client for many years, but our contact, the Vice President of Human Resources, had left the organization. We needed to re-create the relationship. The purpose of this gift was to cement my relationship with Mitch, while encouraging him to introduce me to Susan Richardson, the new Vice President of Human Resources. The tactic worked and we completed many new assignments, including Mitch's outplacement when he left the bank.
Mitchell Sullivan
Senior Vice President
5500 Broadway, STE 2850
Englewood, Colorado 80111
Dear Mitch,
I enjoyed our lunch last week and hope you feel better about our service to The BANK. As promised, I'm sending Price Pritchett's book, "New Work Habits for A Radically Changing World." I believe everyone in the workplace should have their hands on this—it's a real winner.
Hope all is well with you. Next time we have lunch, let's invite Susan [the Vice President of Human Resources].
With best wishes,

William S. Frank