Mark H. McCormack was the CEO of IMG Group and the well-known author of "What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School," and many other business books. Without his knowing it, through his books and writing, Mark has been a mentor to me. When I learned he had been hospitalized after a heart attack, I sent this letter.
I am the leader of a career strategy and leadership development firm based in Denver, Colorado USA. "We help people with their careers, and we help companies with their people." Since 1978, more than 275 brand-name corporations, both large and small, have trusted us to guide them safely and effectively through major organizational change.
At the same time, we've orchestrated career advancement for mid-to-senior-level managers and executives, top professionals, consultants, and entrepreneurs. Our PhysicianCareerNetwork™ is the industry-leading program providing doctors with strategic resources and a confidential sounding board for their careers.
Your thoughts have always been helpful to me, and I incorporate your ideas into my daily life and into my teaching, training, and consulting. I carry you in my heart and in my work. I especially loved the "What They Don't Teach You" books. Besides touching millions yourself, you have touched the lives of countless others through me.
I'm praying for your full recovery and wishing your family the very best.
With love and affection,

William S. Frank