Editor's note: consultants love to sit around and talk about what they're going to do to help each other. And nothing ever comes of it. There's this feeling that if I SAY I'm going to help someone else, they will ACTUALLY help me by making referrals. From my experience, it seldom works that way. So I severely limit my meetings with other consultants to those that could be strategic. And no matter what a consultant tells me about how much they will help me, the proof is in the pudding. I always wait to see if they actually refer anyone to me.
I make heavy referrals to some consultants and never receive any leads from them. That's OK with me. I like to make the appropriate referral even if there's nothing in it for me. But that's different that sitting in Starbucks doodling referral revenues on the backs of napkins.
After a meeting that truly holds promise, I write a letter like this:
February 16, 20-
John C. Elliott, President
Elliott Consulting Group, Inc.
1829 Logan, Suite 1991
Denver, Colorado 80203
Dear John,
Thanks for breakfast. You know as well as I do that a consultant never gets a free meal, so this was extraordinary. Good food, good companywhat could be better?
I enjoyed learning about your business, especially the part about your sons joining you in the firm. I'm optimistic that the legacy you've created will continue to grow and prosper. I think you'd enjoy learning about the Family Firm Institutemaybe not for now, but perhaps for later. Here is the contact information:
Judy B. Markhan, Ph.D.
Executive Director
The Family Firm Institute, Inc.
221 North Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02135-1943 USA
O: 617-789-4200
F: 617-789-4220
Thanks for offering to introduce me to Kim Wroble. I'm looking forward to meeting her, and when I visit San Francisco, I'll stop by your office to pick up your brochure.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.
With best wishes, always,

William S. Frank