Seminars were a loss-leader for us. We broke even on them, and did not see them as a profit center. We were not in the seminar business, but in the consulting business. We used seminars to broadcast news about our expertise in leading-edge services.
We once gave an "Outplacement Showcase" and promoted it heavily, by mail, e-mail, and press releases to newspapers. No one attended because by then, everyone knew what outplacement was. I smiled because we got tremendous publicity without actually having to do the seminar.
The seminar described below offered Continuing Education Units (CEUs), and was well-attended.
One-Time Preview for Top Nursing Managers
Dear Juanita,
Is burnout a problem for some of your nurses? If so, here's good news. We've developed PREVENTING CAREER BURNOUT, an exciting workshop approved and accredited by the Colorado Nurse's Association for 8.4 contact hours of continuing education. Very timely! It's a real winner!
We'd like your managers to preview PREVENTING CAREER BURNOUT before it's offered to the public. Please think about your nursing staff. Do you have one or two managers who might benefit from conquering burnout?
While the published price to the public will be $275 per person, we're offering the one-time preview at our cost of $95.00 per person, which includes lunch and two individual assessment instruments: the Job Profile, and the ESSI System Stress Map. What's in it for us? A chance to "show and tell. What's in it for you? A reduced price, PLUS 8.4 hours of continuing education credits. It's a win/win for everyone.
The preview workshop will be held Wednesday, July 31st, at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (Meeting Rooms 2 and 3), located in the Fountain Plaza complex, 2500 South Hastings Avenue. The time is 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration deadline is Friday, July 19th. Group size is limited to 25, so please don't delay in securing your place. For fast registration, call Felicity Tamsin at 303/ 790-0505, or fax the names of your attendees to her at 303/790-0606. Send checks to the address above. We guarantee this will be a fun, rewarding day!
With enthusiasm,

William S. Frank