Jim is a professional copywriter, so his letters are near perfect. They are smooth, casual, and easy-to-read--but also forceful and persuasive. What creative director in their right mind could say "no" to meeting him?
Jim is an interesting person. He has worked for advertising agencies in Denver and New York, and he recently completed a Ph.D. in psychology. That's a rare combination, and it intrigues employers.
1050 14th Street | Boulder, Colorado 80302
H: 303-440-8477 | C: 720-455-8312 | jbrodie@aol.com
November 18, 20––
Mr. William Robertson
Executive Vice President
Ogilvy & Mather, Inc.
Two West 45th Street
New York, New York 10036
Dear Mr. Robertson,
Advertising agencies are different in New York than here in Denver. Much bigger. More
professional. Better people who are paid better. That's why I'm coming to New York to
look for work.
I'm intending to send this note to the executive who does the hiring for the Creative
Department. From your title I think that's you. But I'm not sure. So if I'm talking to the
wrong person please send this in the right direction.
I was thinking about the difference between advertising and public relations the other
day. One difference, it seems to me, is that in advertising there is an emphasis on ads
as products. More so than in public relations where the concern seems to be more on a
total image.
The emphasis on ads as things which perform a function explains in part my love for
advertising. Craftsmanship becomes very important. Making better and better ads
provides a satisfaction and sense of accomplishment.
I've always liked making things, but ever since I started making ads I haven't enjoyed
making anything as much. My goal is to see if I can find a job doing the thing I enjoy
My interests are primarily in the area of copywriting, but I also do layouts. I've put
together a portfolio of my best work. I'd like to show it to you.
I'll be in New York Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. November 27, 28, 29,
and 30.
I'd really like to meet with you some time during those four days. I'll call you as soon as
I arrive to see if we can arrange to meet at a time that is convenient for you.
Jim Brodie