Sell To Former Client

Former clients are often potential clients—but only if you stay in touch with them. Because everyone is so busy these days, many working 60-80 hour weeks, it's often hard to connect. I find a brief e-mail makes it easy to set meetings, even with corporate superstars. Notice the option of "breadfast, lunch, or coffee."

One key here is explaining my agenda, not leaving them wondering. If people don't know why you want to meet, they may put you off. Partly with my assistance, Wade had just become the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a NASDAQ-listed corporation.

From: Bill Frank at CareerLab []
Sent: February 22, 20— 10:36 AM
To: Wade Wonderly
Subject: Let's arrange a brief get-together

Hi Wade,

I hope all is well. I'd like to arrange a breakfast, lunch, or coffee to discuss three (3) items:

  1. Your new role and how you're doing.
  2. Gregg Brouhard at Burns & Dressler is a friend, and he says he spoke to you on several issues. I'd like to follow up on that.
  3. Last of all, I'd like to let you know what we're doing here.
How does your schedule look this week or next?
Many thanks,


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