Soft Approach #1

A governor of a western state was leaving office and hired me to help guide his future. We worked effectively until he reached a stopping point and wanted to go it alone. He withheld his final payment, and I wondered what was happening. I always take a soft approach to collection, and in this case it really paid off. The cause for his delay was a family illness. Note the friendly reminder tone of my first two e-mails. I was paid in full within two weeks.

No, it wasn't Arnold.

E-mail #1

Hi Jordan,

I understand this is off the clock and you don't want to incur any further charges, and I am still interested in your progress.
Two brief questions:

  1. What has happened in your job search since we last spoke, and
  2. How are you doing with getting me paid?
Thanks again,

E-mail #2 

Ten days ago, or so, you said you were mailing me a check.
Is it on the way now, or if not, when may I expect it?
Your attention to this is appreciated.

Client's Reply

From: Jordan Alvar
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 20— 5:12 PM
Subject: RE: Is my payment on the way?

You'll get your check. I've been tending to my sister—she was just diagnosed with end stage cancer.

E-mail #3 

I'm so sorry to learn about your sister's health.
I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

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