Fee Split To Prevent Dispute #2

A friend inside a healthcare company told me I should talk with the Medical Director about executive coaching for their physician executives. I presented to the client and he liked me. The problem was that one of my arms-length consulting friends had delivered coaching there before, and I didn't want to exclude her or have her take the business away from me. [To complicate matters, her husband was the man introducing me.]

I called the consultant and told her what was happening. I suggested a joint presentation to the Medical Director, which we accomplished. The result was a lucrative contract to deliver executive coaching to eight physician-executives. This is the memo I drafted to prevent future disagreements.

Audrea was going to handle the administrative side of the project, and I wanted our agreement to limit her work there, so administration did not exhaust our budget. I over-trusted a partner once on a big assignment, and the project profits evaporated into his checkbook.

Remember: this is an agreement between friends. If I were contracting with someone I didn't know or trust (which I would never do), I'd use a much stiffer legal document with teeth.

July 6, 20—

Fee Split for Technove Medical

  1. Sales Commission. 20% of total, ongoing gross revenue is a sales commission to be split 50% Audrea and 50% Bill. Example: if total revenue is $10,000, then 20% or $2,000 is commission: $1,000 to Audrea and $1,000 to Bill.
  2. Hourly Rate. Note: this means an effective billing rate of $240 per hour ($300 - $60 or 20%). If we hold a $300 billing rate, we will have to increase the total price of the project, which may make it too expensive.
  3. Testing & Assessment. Audrea will receive 90% of marked up assessment revenues. (10% goes to Bill as part of total sale.)
  4. Billable Time. Bill and Audrea will each coach four (4) MDs, and devote a roughly equivalent number of hours per physician at $240 per hour. In the event a physician requires extra time, and that time is built into the budget, the consultant delivering the service gets the fee.
  5. Administrative Time. (Interpreting Data and Preparing Reports, etc.) Audrea will bill the pre-determined amount of time to the project at an administrative hourly rate, $150/hour.
  6. Expert Time. Audrea will bill the pre-determined amount of time to the project at her usual billable time, $240/hour.
  7. Expenses. Out of pocket expenses like printing, copying, will come out of the gross revenue of the project.
  8. Billing. The project will be delivered under the Endsley & Associates company. Audrea will invoice Technove Medical, and CareerLab will invoice Endsley & Associates.
  9. Payment. Endsley & Associates will pay CareerLab invoiced amounts within 10 days of collecting from Technove Medical.
  10. Residuals. At the end of the project, any unallocated revenue will be divided equally, 50%/50%.

Bill Frank

Audrea Endsley


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