Release And Permission To Use #1

We created a DVD called "Job Hunting: Advice from Human Resources Executives," and used six of our corporate clients as guest talent in the program. Although they didn't want to be paid, we gave them $10.00 ("consideration") for the right to use their interviews. Consideration is what makes an agreement a legally-enforceable contract. This is not legal advice. Always consult your attorney before finalizing any release or legal document.


Dear Bill,

For a valuable consideration of $10.00 USD, paid by Wells Fargo check #60565, dated 5/3/20—, I hereby give you the irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide right to edit, quote from, publish, sell, and distribute my video interview which was taped in your office on Tuesday, May 3, 20—.

Signed: __________________

Date: ____________________

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