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August 18, 20—

Robert W. Englewood
Vice President Human Resources
Compaq Corporation
1200 Antrim Drive
Roseville, California 95678

Dear Bob,

Take a minute to review The Customer Comes Second. I think you'll be amazed.

I discovered it at an airport. The title jumped out as a little too cute. I thought it was some kind of gag, another empty management text--but once inside, I found the best reading I've seen in years.

On the plane I devoured the book cover-to-cover, highlighting nearly every page. It was full of great ideas.

Rosenbluth's message is simple: take care of your people first--keep them happy--then they'll take care of your customers. That drives profits. He ought to know. He built the world's largest, more profitable travel agency serving 1700 corporate clients worldwide. His management philosophies are so revolutionary he's had to start a new training company to handle requests for information.

I'm trying to define the corporate culture inside CareerLab as helping, people-caring, and personal growth. I've always wanted a strong collaborative, co-operative team. This book tells us HOW.

I think you'll find The Customer Comes Second fascinating, just as I did. Give it a look, and let me know what you think.

Wishing you success,

William S. Frank

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