Ask For Advice And Information For Consulting

4353 Roswell Road | Atlanta, GA 30342
H: (404) 342-9865 | C: (404) 344-7812 |

December 1, 20––

William S. Frank
10475 Park Meadows Drive, Ste. 600 
Lone Tree, CO 80124-5437

Dear Mr. Frank:

I am interested in entering the outplacement field and would appreciate any assistance you might be able to offer.

As my enclosed resume outlines, I have had considerable experience in the Human Resources function. I have done extensive training of managers on the job search process and have lectured on the subject before university groups and professional associations. It is my intent at this time to devote my career to this area.

If your professional practice involves activities in which I might be of assistance, I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you. I would be interested in working with you on a permanent or contract basis if your workload requires additional professional assistance.

I have attached a copy of my resume and an article I wrote which appeared in the Wall Street Journal's "National Business Employment Weekly."

I look forward to hearing from you.


Richard P. Riley,Jr.


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