After collecting letters for many years, I decided to self-publish a cover letter book. I had written many letters for clients and wanted their permission to reprint them. In addition, I wanted to get as many friends and acquaintances involved as possible. Bookwriting can be a community experience. One client, Vance Winton, called me after he received my first letter. He said, "It's not a book, it's an adventure."
Soon into it, I realized I should find a publisher to do the manuscript justice. I mailed 30 query letters, received 10 requests for further information, and three contracts from brand-name publishers. One was Putman in New York and another was Ten Speed Press, publisher of Dick Bolles' perennial bestseller "What Color Is Your Parachute?" This is one of the letters that got the process started.
Good Morning! Good Morning!
Please excuse the form letter. I'm sorry for it, but I have to cover a lot of ground quickly.
What's happened since my last letter?
Things are really taking off fast -- too fast. There aren't enough of me. The project is expanding and exploding. I complain about it, but it's exactly what I like.
I've been surprised and amazed, even thrilled at the response to my first letter. All kinds of friends from the past called me up or wrote and offered to help. Some of the ideas were just great. Best of all: the moral support.
I'm writing for three reasons: 1) to show you exactly what's happened since my last letter, 2) to invite you to become a big part of the project -- and share in the rewards, and 3) to ask you to sign a release form in case I want to use some of the materials we created while working together: letters, resumes, lists of capabilities, that sort of thing.
What's New?
As you can see, the book has a title and outline. (Copyrighted and trademarked.) What do you think? Will it sell? Emery Hills has done some preliminary artwork. Isn't it fantastic?
Since my first letter, I've met with book consultants, attorneys, software experts, audio and video tape producers -- you name it. Everything is coming together.
It looks as though we will self-publish the book. It sounds glamorous to be published by a "Random House," but big publishing houses promote only the guaranteed bestsellers. By doing it ourselves, we retain control of the design, content, marketing and distribution -- in short, it's the best of all possible worlds. (It's also a lot more work!)
What qualifies me to be a publisher?
In the seventh grade I assembled information about several states into a notebook. My book was 2" thick and I earned an A++ on the project (so did my classmate, Tracey Wentzel).
Financial Backing (Who's got the bucks?)
I want to raise some capital. I'm meeting with friends and former clients who are good at that. I will also give a presentation to the Rockies Venture Club, a venture capital group.
Do you have any ideas? Would you like to invest for a piece of the action? I'm expecting this to be highly successful.
What Happens Now?
I'm assembling a project team, a group of experts, to help me put this thing together. We'll be having our first meeting on . . .
Saturday, July 9th from 1-3 PM.
I want you to attend. Please let me know well in advance. By being involved with us, you could make a major difference in someone's life --perhaps in many lives. That's what it's all about.
Why real people?
I want to use real people with real stories and real materials to make the book real. There are plenty of concocted books on the market with resumes of people who don't exist. I don't want that. I want the reader to know "this is a real person." This isn't fantasy. It's not made up, pretend. I think job-seekers need reality.
That's why I'm using real people with their actual materials. It will be different. There's nothing else like it on the market.
Please send me.
Hints. Tips. Bits of trivia. Creative ideas of your own.
I want your help.
If you have a story. If you have an anecdote. If you had a conversation with someone that made a difference. If there was a special turning point, or a strategy that worked especially well -- or especially poorly -- I'd hear about it.
Please write it down for me. Or put it on tape. It doesn't have to be perfect -- it just has to be communicated.
I can sharpen it up or focus it. Or edit it -- or even write it for you. Please, whatever you do, think about it.
We're also doing audio tapes, CDs, DVDs, and software. Maybe you'd rather tell your story as a podcast or CD. Or both! Let us know.
Whatever medium fits you best, that's what we'll do. (Imagine how helpful something like this might have been had you had access to it in your own job search!) I'm also looking for job-search letters you used or received from others. (Either extremely good or extremely had examples.)
I'm not looking to my clients -- to you -- to provide the major material for the book, but rather, the salt and pepper. I already have the bulk of the required materials.
What I'm hoping for are some personal experiences to "spice it up." To take it out of the realm of the textbook and into the realm of the "real world."
What's in it for vou?
First of all, if we use any of your materials, your name will be featured artistically (see sample page), and you'll receive a free copy of all books containing your materials.
Second, its a great networking opportunity. If you get involved in production, you'll be meeting some really interesting folks -- people like yourself -- real winners.
Finally, any help you give will be acknowledged in the preface to the book.
"It's not a book, it's an adventure."
Vance Winton called me after he received my first letter. He said, "It's not a book, it's an adventure." That really impressed me, because I realized the book isn't a product, it's a process. It's a way for me to continue learning -- and best of all, it's a way for me to stay in touch with you.
Thanks for your time and attention. I wish you all the very best.

William S. Frank
Please sign Your Release.
Please sign and return the enclosed release form today. I need it today, because I can't begin the book without it. (Return the attachments also.)