When Corporate Contact Changes

Often, after we've established a long-term relationship with a corporate client, our inside contact is transferred, promoted, or leaves the organization entirely.  We need to meet their replacement to maintain the account.  When Jacob Steinmetz left Cooperman Steel Corporation, he suggested I contact his replacement.  This was my initial e-mail.

Hi Katherine,

Jake gave me your name and suggested I introduce myself.

First of all, I run a monthly roundtable that includes most of the high-level HR leaders in Denver—an amazing, high-energy group—and I'd like to invite you to attend.  You'd find the friendships and business experience very beneficial to Cooperman.

Second, we've worked for Cooperman for 15 years in the areas of career development, executive coaching, and outplacement.  I'd like to talk about that.

I'll give you a call in the next few days to see if we can arrange a brief visit—breakfast, lunch, or coffee—whatever works best for you. 

With many thanks,


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