After Pitching Story Idea

After you pitch a story idea to an editor, they may be interested, but still unclear about how you plan to proceed. In this example I clarified the story idea and sent my "marketing book," which was a 1/2" notebook containing our marketing materials.

February 10, 20—

Ms. Miranda J. Aagaard
The Business Monthly
6551 S. Courtain Boulevard
Littleton, CO 80129

Dear Miranda: 

Thanks for taking valuable time with me on the telephone today. Here, briefly, are the story ideas we discussed:

  1. Whatever happened to Middle Managers?

    We would show middle managers who have successfully made major career changes (I know several). We could tie that in with practical, innovative tips on how to do it. 

  2. Don't be sued by your Employees.

    I would lead a panel discussion including an attorney and a human resources manager to discuss ways to prevent wrongful termination lawsuits. I know experts in these specialties that would help us.

I'm sending my marketing book over. Please review this material and let me know what you think.  


William S. Frank


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