Maintain Momentum While Writing Proposal

This followed a first-time meeting, and even though it went well, I wanted to maintain the emotional connection we had begun.  This kind of letter, although technically unnecessary, is crucial in preserving momentum. Maureen had described herself as a workaholic, and I said I preferred the term "work enthusiast." She laughed at that.

March 12, 20—

Ms. Maureen Walkinshaw
Vice President, Marketing
Healthcare, Inc.
59292 E. Hampden Avenue, Suite 240
Englewood, Colorado 80151

Dear Maureen:

I enjoyed meeting you yesterday. I thought we hit it off beautifully and shared a lot of great management ideas. As we said, I will have a proposal for you at our 3:00 p.m. meeting on Friday, March 27th.

From one work-enthusiast to another, have a good week.

With best wishes,

William S. Frank

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