This is a great two-page letter, because it anticipates the dozens of questions friends and clients will have about an organizational change. All of them are asking, "How will this affect me?" By explaining in advance, we not only positioned ourselves as bigger and better, but we saved dozens of phone calls explaining what all the changes meant.
Dear Friends,
The next time you phone us, we'll answer "CareerLab/Lincolnshire."
We've become the Colorado branch of Lincolnshire International, a premier firm providing career management, outplacement counseling, and human resources consulting worldwide. This won't change the way our company works with you, but now we can serve you from any city in the U.S., Canada, and Europe where Lincolnshire has a presence:
- Atlanta
- Boston
- Charlotte
- Chicago
- Dallas
- Denver
- Los Angeles
- Minneapolis
- Newport Beach
- New York
- Phoenix
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- Seattle
- Toronto
- United Kingdom
Lincolnshire International focuses on pre-employment testing, inplacement, executive coaching, career pathing, conflict resolution, workplace violence prevention and crisis intervention, and especially individual and group outplacement.
This network of top-tier organizations enables us to handle projects that span several cities. Other Lincolnshire affiliates refer business to us, thus expanding the number of companies and industries we deal with.
(Please turn the page . . . )
Page Two
How were you selected for Lincolnshire membership?
We successfully completed three senior executive outplacement projects for a Lincolnshire firm in Minneapolis. (One assignment was especially difficult.) Two Lincolnshire firms interviewed us in Denver; then we made a formal presentation in Chicago, after which we were unanimously voted in.
Was this a merger, or did you sell any interest in CareerLab?
No one was merged or acquired, and we haven't sold any equity. We became shareholders in a larger consulting organization, a company owned entirely and equally by its member firms.
Why did you choose Lincolnshire rather than another national firm
Their member firms share our beliefs and values. We have a lot in common. They're entrepreneurial firms run by well-established professionals. They're leaders in their markets. We can learn from them, and they can learn from us.
Will CareerLab become bigger and less personal?
No, our consulting and support staff in Colorado will remain exactly the same. We plan to live up to our reputation as "a small, personal firm that cares."
Will anyone be layed off in this process?
No. The staff in Denver will remain the same.
Can we still use Denver consultants in other cities?
Yes, if you prefer.
Will new or different consultants be working on our projects?
No, not unless you have a project outside Denver that requires large numbers of consultants or career offices in other cities.
How will your Lincolnshire membership benefit me?
You will have access to our offices in major cities in the U.S., Canada, and Europe . . . as well as access to high-powered career and human resources experts worldwide. You'll be able to use CareerLab/Lincolnshire for larger projects than in the past.
Are you planning more expansion in the U.S., Canada, and Europe?
Yes, we will expand as we find qualified member firms. We're planning to acquire a group of European outplacement and human resources companies in the near future, giving us a truly global presence.
Wishing you great success,

William S. Frank