Book Or Publication Endorsement #02

Les Woller is one of the top Human Resources executives in the United States, and he wrote a book called "The Skill: The most critical tool needed to increase your potential, performance, and promotability."

I know Les well, because he helped me leave a national consulting firm to launch my own practice. He kicked me out of the nest and let me office with him. When Les asked me to write a testimonial for his book, I was thrilled. My testimonial puts me in the company of some bright business leaders.

Les Woller has worked with managers, executives, and leadership teams from well-known corporations for over 30 years. He's "been there, done that"—he knows his stuff. When I need on-target business advice or career help, I go to Les Woller. Now you can too, because he's packed his 30 years of battle-tested experience into a simple, easy-to-use volume: "The Skill."  Get a copy. Read it. Leap forward.

William S. Frank
Founder/CEO of CareerLab

Order "The Skill" at

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