After Suzanne left Dowell Schlumberger, I provided the strategy that led her to a new job. I'm writing to ask her to fill out a customer service form, and encouraging her to write a testimonial. Customer service questionnaires have improved my business, and I've quoted them in sales presentations.
WSF:kam at the end of the letter indicates my initials and the initials of the administrative assistant who word processed the letter. That's an old custom, but helpful if your client wants to know which Admin to call for clarification or further information.
July 14, 20—
Susanne Baker
6082 So. Glendale Court
Littleton, CO 80121
Dear Sue:
I'm so pleased to hear about your new career. It's so very exciting to find you in a field with so much growth potential. And I know your skills will work beautifully to bring you success. I think you can be an inspiration for some of the other Dowell people, some of whom aren't quite as fortunate.
I'm sending along a client profile form. It would help me if you would fill it out. It gives me feedback about myself and also is a useful marketing tool to promote my business. If this format isn't personal enough, you could simply write me a letter expressing your feelings. Perhaps you could put it on your new letterhead.
I expect us to remain good friends. Simply because you have finished the program, I don't consider our relationship over. I expect to take a continuing interest in you, in your family, and in your career. And I expect for us to stay in touch.
Normally I send a plant to CareerLab "graduates", but I'm going to wait until you're resettled in Houston (so you don't have to move it).
Call me when you're back in town.
Sincerely yours,

William S. Frank