Referrals From Recent Clients

This is a sales letter disguised as a congratulations. Or rather, it's both: sales and congratulations. Our happy and successful clients are a strong resource in our marketing efforts. In this case, I helped a CPA get re-employed; then asked her to introduce me to other CPAs.

August 30, 20—

Sabella Albright
6600 17th Avenue
Denver, CO 80202

Dear Sabella,


See, I told you were close to a job offer. I enjoyed working with you immensely and wish you a great deal of success on your new assignment.

Please call me in two or three weeks to let me know how you're doing. I would enjoy working with other successful CPA's in need of a career change. If you run into any, please let them know about me.

Good luck. You're off to a great new start.

Sincerely yours,

William S. Frank

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