Motivate Clients Continuously

Whether the project is large or small, our clients need frequent feedback, reinforcement, and pep talks. Since results and outcomes affect our reputation and earning potential, it pays to keep things moving forward.  [Footnote: see my article on 99 Ways to Say "Very Good."]

Celina Lavallie was a job-seeker working on her Executive Portfolio,™ an online edition of her work.  First, the client's e-mail, then my reply.

From: Celina Lavallie []
Sent: August 29, 20— 4:39 PM
Subject: Follow up on online Executive Portfolio™

Per our discussion on Monday morning, I have made substantial progress in completing the first version of the Executive Portfolio.™  

A photo for the front page is on its way. The URL is: []

Thank you in advance for your feedback and suggestions, 

Celina Lavallie

This is VERY impressive!  Excellent early start.  Particularly good on the interview questions.  Wow!  And especially good on the business links (I'll check them out).  Add some other data on the personal side, and continue to move forward.


[Footnote: see my article on 99 Ways to Say "Very Good."]

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