Appreciate Your Enthusiasm

We created " The Executive Portfolio™," a way for executives to create an online career marketing website using only basic word processing and Internet browsing skills. Once we launched the product, we held weekly conference calls for users.

Our next sales step was to license the software to one of the three global career management and outplacement firms. We achieved this goal, and developed $150,000 in revenue over three years. I wrote this note to our staff after the potential buyer had been on the call.

Dear Consulting Team,

Thank you for joining our "Weekly User Group" call this morning. As you know, this was a sales opportunity for us, and Jayme our potential customer, said she felt the call was "beautifully orchestrated." (I hope that doesn't mean "too contrived.")

I thought the call flowed very well and really appreciate your enthusiasm, positive comments, and your time. As I said, this is a potentially BIG sale for us (Vlsi GmbH has 190 offices worldwide), so this call was important.

After the call, Jayme was concerned about privacy issues—she thought some users might object to having their information public in today's climate. So we will address that with her this afternoon in a technology conference call.

It means a lot to me (and to us) that you supported us this morning. We'll keep you in the loop as things move forward.

Thanks so much for your help,


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