Find Job Leads For College-Age Son Or Daughter

Venture Capital Fund of New York
30 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 5500 | New York, New York 10112
H: 303-452-5519 | C: 720-880-7692 |

January 1, 20––

William S. Frank
304 Inverness Way South, Suite 465
Englewood, Colorado  80112-5827

Dear Bill,

My older son Jeffrey recently graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology. He is proceeding with a traditional job search, but we all know that better results can often be achieved from networking with friends, relatives, and business associates.

Jeffrey is interested in wildlife and fisheries management, environmental engineering, forestry and public land administration, life science research, zoo management, ecology studies, microbial engineering. Enclosed is a copy of his resume just in case you think of someone to pass it on to that is involved in these lines of work.

Location is completely open, meaning he is willing to relocate nationally at his own expense. Any assistance or advice that you could give us during Jeffrey's employment search would be greatly appreciated.

Very truly yours,

Peter R. Hathaway

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