Letter To Prepare Reporter For Interview

10475 Park Meadows Drive, Ste. 600 | Lone Tree, CO 80124-5437
O: 303-790-0505 | F: 303-790-0606 | wsfrank@careerlab.com

January 25, 20––

Ms. Dottie Wahl
News Reporter
KCWB Television
2000 Bellaire Drive
Los Angeles, California 90046

Dear Dottie:

I'm excited about getting to meet you. I think we will have fun together--and job-finding is a very timely topic. To help you prepare, I am going to tell you a little about myself and suggest some topics for discussion. OK? Please use this as a guideline and call me if you need to!

Highlights of My Training:

M.A. in philosophy, 1969, Colorado State University.

Studied psychology, 1965-1990.

Studied psychotherapy with Warner A. Baker, M.D., a Denver psychiatrist.

Studied with Dick Bolles, the country's leading career expert, the author of What Color is Your Parachute?

Was Vice President for the country's largest outplacement consulting firm.
Profile of the People I Work Best With:

High level business executives and professionals.

People going through a major life transition (such as divorce).

Age groups 30 to 55.

People in confusion about how it all "fits together"--especially, right-brain, creative, intuitive types that don't necessarily fit into a "slot" in our left brain, detail, fact, figures, and data-oriented culture.

Professionals (dentist, lawyers, doctors) seeking to build successful practices.


Dottie Wahl
January 25, 20––
Page two
How I Work :

My special talent is to help people sort through confusion quickly (sometimes in as little as one hour) and come to a point of clarity about exactly who they are and exactly where they're going. We try to resolve this at a deep level--for the long-term, not just for "now."

My chief tool is to ask questions. Knowing which questions to ask is one of the key things I do. (Someone once said that the best therapist is one who can say "absolutely nothing" at exactly the right moment.) And I think this is what I do.

I also use written exercises, and standardized tests when they are appropriate.

Suggested Topics for Discussion:

Why do people have trouble deciding which job they want?

The media is painting a very black picture of unemployment. What are some of the positive things happening in the world of work? (Well, for one thing, there's a revolution going on in job-finding.)

What can this unemployment now teach us? (For one thing, it is a preview of the future. "Job security," working 40 years for a company is practically a thing of the past. It is no longer possible to take a job and "forget about it." In the future people may change jobs four to five times in a lifetime. Therefore, we must be ready, plan, pack our parachutes, and be ready to jump.)

How has job-hunting changed?

Why is job-finding a sales job--and how do you do it?

What are some of the helpful community resources? (Like books, job networks, community college courses, and organizations.)
I hope this helps, Dottie. See you soon!

Bill Frank
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