Say Thank You And Tactfully Decline

188 West Randolph Avenue | Oak Brook, Illinois 60521
H: 630-725-8121 | C: 630-722-9856 |

January 30, 20––

Mr. Allen S. Sutton
TransCon, Inc.
5000 Medco Road
Birmingham, Alabama 35217

Dear Mr. Sutton:

Just a brief note to thank you for returning the response form I sent you earlier this month. Also, thank you for the Mike Bergmann suggestion. That is not exactly the type of work I am looking for, but I may contact him later after I see how this effort works out.

In my search I'm focusing on the management area rather than sales. I would not be averse to combining the two in the appropriate position, and this might be possible in the financial services area. Please keep me in mind if you hear of any other situations that might be appropriate.

Thanks again for the note and interest.

Best regards,

Bruce K. Ward

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