Ask A Friend To Be A Reference

124 East Bay Street | Miami, Florida 33131
C: 305-342-8789 | H: 305-344-8595 |

January 14, 20—

Mr. Peter W. Lincoln
334 Houston Tower, Suite 2300
Houston, Texas 77079

Dear Pete,

As a friend, I'd like to enlist your assistance in my search for a new career. I have put together a current resume to begin marketing myself for what should be a new and exciting career.

I'm open to an industry change since the oilfield is depressed. I'm looking for a job in Management or Marketing of technical products and services. I hope to draw on both my management experience and engineering background. Relocation is not a problem as Wendy and I find the prospect of moving exciting.

With your permission, I would like you to be a personal reference for me. I will keep you posted when I have used you as a reference so you will know who might call and won't be caught blind. Please let me know what you think.

If you are aware of any business associates or friends who may be in the market for new, bold and innovative thinking, I'd really appreciate your giving them a copy of my resume or giving me their names to contact personally.

I welcome any assistance or advice you can give me. Thanks for your support now and in the past.

Your friend,

Alberto B. Diaz

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